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Showing posts with label #HealthyLiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #HealthyLiving. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2012

Now Eat This! Cookbook!

I am always looking for ways to enjoy the foods I love without neglecting my waistline. I come from a southern background, and I am not a stranger to soul food. The problem with southern cuisine is that its dishes are typically high in calories, fat, and sodium. Although this combination is a recipe for numerous health ailments, it seems a bit unfair to completely cut these delicious and savory foods from our diets. Let’s face it…these dishes are delectable and comforting, and is usually the backdrop for all of my family gatherings. But what if there was a way to enjoy these foods in a healthy way without sacrificing taste? I think I may have found the solution!

Head to your favorite bookstore, and pick up Now Eat This! 150 of America’s Favorite Comfort Foods All Under 350 Calories by Rocco Dispirito. This cookbook deconstructs some of your favorite comfort foods, and makes them healthier by substituting key ingredients. For example, the Penne Alla Vodka recipe uses low fat Greek yogurt and marinara sauce, instead of heavy cream and tomato sauce. This simple swap eliminates almost 300 calories per serving! Amazing, right? There’s more where that came from. This cookbook provides recipes for reduced-calorie appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches, seafood, beef, and chicken entrees, pastas, side dishes, and desserts. It also discusses and explains fat-free cooking techniques, such as faux frying, poaching, and flash frying. In a nutshell, this cookbook is AWESOME!

With that said, I encourage you to check out Now Eat This!. You will not be disappointed with the recipes. They are easy, and delicious! You can thank me later!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Specialists Women Should See in Their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s

Greetings Divas! I came across the following Infograph on the Huffington Post and wanted to share it with you all. Very Informative! To view the entire article in the Huffington Post, Click Here!

In the spirit of healthy living.......!


Monday, July 16, 2012

4 Important Health Screenings For Women

Greetings Divas! I know you all may be super busy, but I hope that you take a moment to read this post in its entirety. It provides information on a very important topic: Women’s Health!

Now I am not a doctor in any shape or form, but I do have a great relationship with my primary physician. So great in fact that I often talk with him about different types of health-related screenings for women. In having these discussions with my doctor, and the nurse practitioners in his office, I have learned of a long list of health screening that all women should have, but neglect to get…hence the reason for this post! 

In the spirit of healthy living, please accept this list of the 4 important health-screenings that all women should have, and why. For all of you Divas in the medical field, please feel free to comment on this list and/or add additional screenings. I would love for this to be an open forum for us to exchange information that is beneficial to our health, so help me out and spread the word!

Mammogram and Breast Examination – According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, and is one of the leading causes of cancer death among women of all races. As such, the American Cancer Society recommends the following breast screening guidelines for most adults:

  • Starting at the age of 40, women should have yearly mammograms so long as the woman is in good health;
  • Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam about every 3 years;
  • Women should conduct regular breast self-exams starting in their 20s;
  • All women should know how their breast normally look and feel, and should immediately report any breast change to their health care provider. 

Please note that there are different breast screening recommendations based on a woman’s family history, genetic tendencies, or other factors. These women should speak with their doctor about the need for additional tests.

Pap Tests and Pelvic Exams – According to the CDC, the number of cases of cervical cancer and the number of death from cervical cancer has significantly decreased over the past 40 years. This decline is largely attributed to women getting regular Pap tests and pelvic examinations. These tests are successful in finding cervical pre-cancer before it turns into cancer. As such, this screening is a MUST for women! The American Cancer Society recommends the following cervical screening guidelines for most adults:


  • All women should begin screening for cervical cancer about 3 years after they begin having vaginal intercourse, but no later than 21 years old. These screenings should occur every year with the regular Pap test, or every 2 years using the liquid-based Pap test; 
  • Beginning at age 30, women who have had 3 normal Pap test results in a row may get screened every 2 to 3 years;
  • Women older than 30 may get screened every 3 years with either the conventional or liquid-based Pap test, plus the human papilloma virus (HPV) test;
  • Women 70 years of age or older who have had 3 or more normal Pap tests in a row and no abnormal Pap test results in the last 10 years may choose to stop having Pap tests;
  • Women who have had a total hysterectomy may choose to stop having Pap tests, unless the hysterectomy was performed as a treatment for cervical cancer or pre-cancer; and
  • Women who have had a hysterectomy without removal of the cervix should continue to have regular Pap tests.

Again, there are different cervical screening recommendations based on a woman’s family history, genetic tendencies, or other factors. These women should speak with their doctor about the need for additional tests.

Blood Pressure ScreeningFact: High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke, which are the 1st and 3rd leading causes of death in the United States, respectively. Fact: High blood pressure can also lead to congestive heart failure and kidney disease. Fact: One out of three adults in the United States has high blood pressure. Fact: High blood pressure is preventable! How you ask? In addition to adopting a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and being physically active, getting your blood pressure checked regularly is a great step towards prevention. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality recommends that women have their blood pressure checked at least every 2 years, so get tested!

Cholesterol Screening – Did you know that in the United States, more women than men have high cholesterol? According to the CDC, 10.3% of women age 20-34 and 12.7% of women age 35-44 suffer from high cholesterol. Need more numbers? Well, 19.7% of women age 45-54 suffer from high cholesterol. The interesting thing is that high cholesterol usually exhibits no signs or symptoms, but can increase your risk for health disease. How do you know if your cholesterol is high? You get a blood test! The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that healthy adults have their cholesterol levels every 5 years. Have you had yours?

Okay Divas, these are my four. I challenge you all to take control of your health, meet with your team of medical professionals, and schedule the necessary tests. I hope that you all have learned a little something from this post. Again, I want this to be an open forum for an exchange of beneficial health information, so please spread the word!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

About the Breast Examination Center of Harlem...

Calling all Divas in the New York City area! 

I’ve got something very important to share with you. Have any of you heard of the Breast Examination Center of Harlem? If not, read this post really carefully! As we all know, breast cancer is a devastating disease that has affected many of us, either directly or indirectly. What we all should know is that one way to fight breast cancer is routine testing and early detection.

Since 1979, the Breast Examination Center of Harlem (“BECH”), an outreach program of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, has screened over 200,000 women for breast cancer. Amazing, right? What’s more amazing is that there are still so many women, and men, in the NYC area that are unaware of the services offered by BECH. (WHAT!!!)  So here’s what I want all of you to do: please share this information with everyone you know in the NYC area about BECH. With your help, we can spread the message that early detection is one of the keys to fighting this disease.

Here is a list of the free, high quality services offered by BECH:

Breast-Cancer Screening - One of BECH’s specially trained nurse practitioners will give you a physical examination. She will feel your breasts and underarms for lumps or anything else unusual. Every woman should see a health-care professional for this kind of exam every year. 

Mammograms - BECH offers mammography, a procedure which uses x-rays to produce a picture of the breast. Mammography is the most widely used method for detecting breast cancer.

Pelvic Examinations and Pap Smears - During the pelvic examination, a nurse practitioner will gently press on your abdomen to feel the organs in your pelvis (uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum) for anything unusual about their size or shape. During this exam, she will also take a few cells from your cervix to check for cancer or other conditions, such as sexually transmitted diseases. This test is called a Pap smear.  

Counseling - If the nurse finds a lump or anything else unusual in your breasts or if the results of your Pap smear are not normal, one of our counselors will give you advice about other tests or procedures we may recommend. The counselor will carefully explain the test or procedure to you; she will also advise you about getting a second opinion before choosing treatment. She will encourage you to ask questions and to tell her about any concerns you may have. And she will give you some written material that will help explain these recommendations to you and your family.

Patient Follow-up - If all of your test results at BECH are normal, you will be advised to return to BECH in a year for routine cancer screening. If you are at high risk for developing cancer, because other women in your family have had breast cancer, for instance, or if BECH recommends more tests, BECH will set up an appointment for you to come back sooner for a follow-up visit.

Education - During your visit, BECH will show you how to do simple, at-home exams of your breasts every month. BECH also takes their educational programs in breast self-examination (BSE) techniques to many places in the community. Video presentations, workshops, and seminars on BSE and other women's health issues have been held throughout New York in churches, senior-citizen centers, schools, businesses, street fairs, even detention centers. If you are interested in having BECH come to your church or other group, please call the health educator at (212) 531-8000.

More About BECH

The Breast Examination Center of Harlem houses 15 full-time staff, comprised of the Program Director, a health educator, mammography technicians, patient navigators, session assistants, plus other administrative support staff. The Breast Examination Center of Harlem has received many awards for its outreach accomplishments, including the Eleanor Roosevelt Community Service Certificate of Merit.
Please note that some tests or procedures, such as removal of lumps, are not done at BECH, but they can help you make arrangements for them. If you need one of these tests, your counselor will explain the test to you, give you advice, and discuss any of your questions or concerns. She will also give you information about where you can get these tests. If you wish, she will make the appointment for you.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact BECH at:

163 West 125th Street, Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10027
(212) 531-8000.

Also, please visit The Breast Examination Center of Harlem’s website at:  

Please help me spread the word!

Morning Challenge!

I took the stairs today. In fact, I have been taking the stairs everyday while at work for the past 6 weeks. My office building has three floors...and guess which floor my office is on...right! The third floor! So everyday, I opt to walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. By the time I leave the office this evening, I would have walked up the stairs at least three times. Every little bit helps!

This morning, I challenge you all to take the steps instead of the elevator. If you work on a higher level floor in a tall building, take the elevator to the floor at least 3 flights down, and walk up the rest. Take your time. If you feel winded, stop. But try it for today...and maybe tomorrow, too! Who's up for this challenge? Let me know in the comments section below! Have a great day!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

3 Steps To A Healthier You!

Hi again! Now that we have gotten this show on the road, I wanted to go ahead and post a few things that were originally posted on my public blog. I originally penned this post after a conversation with a colleague/friend of mine regarding health and fitness. During this conversation, we both agreed that it is absolutely necessary to be physically fit and to consistently eat healthy meals in order to achieve and maintain good health. We also agreed that it is often difficult for professional women to incorporate healthier habits into a busy lifestyle. Have you ever felt like this?

Truthfully, my inner fat girl feels like this all the time. Most weeks I work anywhere between 8 to 12 hours per day, which does not include travel. By the time I make it home, the last thing I want to do is work out or make dinner. I would actually prefer to take a shower, plop on the couch, eat cupcakes, and watch my favorite reality T.V. shows. Don’t judge me!

Needless to say, I have suppressed my inner fat girl…at least 95% of the time! Additionally, I have found ways to incorporate healthier habits into my busy life. I promise you it wasn’t an easy task, but I was determined to do it. I am almost positive that many of my fellow Professional Divas may be looking for ways to achieve a healthy balance. If you oblige, I would like to share 3 simple steps that helped me on my road to healthier pastures. Let me know what you think of these!

1. Preparation Is Key – Preparation is so important! The act of preparing can help professional women achieve balance in their personal and professional lives. This holds true when attempting to incorporate healthy habits into a busy lifestyle. At the beginning of each week, usually on Sundays, I plan for the upcoming week, including my work schedule, social engagements, and meals. In planning my meals, I make sure that I am preparing healthy and well-rounded meals that are great for my hubby, and kind to my hips and thighs. I know it sounds a little rigid, but it really isn’t as detailed as it sounds. It’s simply a way for me to remember the things I need to do, the things I want to do, and the things I need and want to eat. Honestly, this usually takes me about a half hour to do each week…not too bad!

2. Remember That It Takes 3 Weeks to Adopt a Habit – According to scientists, it takes the average person 3 weeks to adopt a habit. In other words, if the average person follows a routine for 3 weeks, this routine will naturally become his or her habit. Now, I have no clue how these scientist came up with this number, but I can personally confirm that it works! The truth is that consistently performing certain things inevitably became the norm for me, like grocery shopping every Sunday, working out immediately after I leave the office, and preparing my lunch in the morning. Try out a healthy habit for three weeks, and see if it works for you too!

3. Work Out Before You Come Home – This is the most important thing I do to force myself to work out during the week. I bring my workout clothes and sneakers to the office with me. Before I leave the office, I change into my sweats and head directly to the gym or track. No excuses. Why? Because I know that the second I walk in my front door, the comforts of home attack me and I begin to talk myself out of doing what I know I’m supposed to do. I know me! And in knowing myself, I know that going home first is never a good option.

These are just a few simple things that work for me. What works for you? How do you incorporate healthy habits into a busy lifestyle?

Welcome To RAGFit!

Greetings Divas! I am so glad you decided to join me on my journey to achieve optimum health...even while living a busy life full of family and work responsibilities and obligations. If you are anything like me, you have made the decision to be proactive in obtaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Congratulations! Now, I have learned the hard and expensive way that "dieting" is pointless if it is not done in a healthy way, and if its methods don't encourage you to incorporate healthy eating and exercise. I also know that a healthy lifestyle includes additional factors that "dieting" often neglects, such as adequate rest, healthy skin maintenance, and stress management. As such, I have done away with the word "diet," and I am hoping that you will too! Instead, let's focus on living healthy. 

What does that mean? It means making healthy meal and snack choices. It means getting regular exercise. It means visiting the appropriate physicians for routine and scheduled checkups. It means managing stress. It means getting adequate rest. 

And what does it require? It requires you to be diligent and focused, and it requires that you commit to making changes that will benefit your health in the long run. Are you up for the challenge?

So, what is this blog all about? My hope is that this blog will serve as a forum to share information and progress on our healthy living journey. I hope to share healthy recipes, fitness information, and other healthy living tips to help us along the way. I hope that you all will join in and participate in the discussions following the posts. You never know how your comment may inspire and help someone. 

Finally, I hope that this blog will motivate everyone to take the time focus on their health. It is so very important, and we have to be proactive. I guarantee that if healthy living is your focus, your weight issues (if you have them) will work itself out. I am positive that making healthy living your focus will alleviate or eliminate your health issues (if you have them). At the end of the day, I am planning to age like fine wine, so healthy living is my recipe!

Just so you know a little about me, I am a 31 year-old attorney from Brooklyn, New York. I have been married for 4 years and I have a bad little dog that lives in the cage outside of my bedroom. I work 50+ hours per week, and I always feel like I have so little time to do so many things. I am 5'5, and I wear a size 12 in clothes, a size 8 1/2 in shoes, and I can stand to lose about 20 to 25 pounds. 

Too much information? I don't think so! I want you all to get to know me so that you feel comfortable sharing with other blog readers. I want you to feel comfortable enough to facilitate all the information sharing I hope to happen here. So let's have a roll call, shall we?! Comment below and introduce yourself. If you dare, share your healthy living goals with us. 

Are you ready to get it right and keep it tight? Then take a moment to enter your email address in the Subscribe to RAGFit box. Bookmark the page. Do anything that alerts you to a new post. If you have any suggestions, comments, concerns, or ideas, shoot me an email at theprodiva@gmail.com. This is a community, so all feedback is welcomed. 

Also remember that this blog is a work in progress and is under constant construction, so don't be alarmed if you see some changes every now an then. Wait...one more thing...don't forget to check out my other blog (which is public) The Martini Chronicles.

Now, if all hearts and minds are clear, let's get to this!

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