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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Drop 10 Challenge...Basics and Challenge Preparation!

Okay ladies! Here is the information for the Drop 10 Challenge, which starts August 1, 2012. I love that you all are so excited about this, and I encourage you to actively participate and stick with it. Over the next few days, I hope to share more preparation information leading up to the August 1st kick-off. Please be sure to read all posts carefully, and make any and all suggestions that you think will help others during the challenge!

The Basics!
Goal: Drop 10 Pounds!
Length of Challenge: August 1, 2012 – September 12, 2012 (6 weeks)
Approach: Healthy Diet and Exercise...that's all!

Challenge Preparation!

1. Find a Healthy Buddy - As discussed in the Morning Challenge post, find a Healthy Buddy to do the challenge with you. Your healthy buddy should be someone who shares similar health and fitness goals as you. Someone who can motivate you and you them. Someone to fuss at you when you begin talking yourself out of going to the gym. Someone to run around the track with you. Someone to give you the side-eye when you go for an extra serving of cake. Need I say more? Get one!

2. Take "Before" Pictures - Because you need to see yourself when you start to appreciate your progress. So, get in your workout gear and take 3 pictures: a forward-facing picture, a profile picture, and a back picture. And don't suck in your stomach! Place your picture in a safe place, and don't look at it until September 13th at the end of the challenge. Don't cheat and sneak a peak!

3. Select an “Eye on the Prize” Item - Do you have an item of clothing that you wish you can fit back into? I have several! Pick one item, and place it in the front of your closet so that you see it every morning when you  are picking out your clothes. This is your "Eye on the Prize" item. The item that will get you to your goal weight. Keep it within your sights...after each challenge, you will see how much closer you are to getting back into it!

4. Know Your Numbers - Everybody is different. And every body is different. We all have different starting points and different goals. As such, we can't all follow the same diet and fitness plans. Before you start the Challenge, please speak with you doctor to ensure that you are able to be challenged. Your doctor may also be able to share a few numbers with your, such as:

- Your Body Mass Index (BMI) based on your current weight and height. (Click Here To Get Your BMI);

- Your "Healthy Weight" range; and

- The amount of calories you need to consume/burn each day in order to safely lose a certain amount per week (Go here to calculate this number).

5. Create Weekly Meal Plans on July  31st, August 7th, August 14th, August 21nd, August 28th, and September 4th. - That's right! Each week (with the week starting on August 1) you should sit down and create your weekly meal plan. You should plan 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, and 7 dinners, and also account for your snacks. If you are looking for some great inspiration while creating your meals, check out some of the sites under the Healthful Links header on your right. I will add more as I find them. We will also discuss this a little bit more over the next week.

6. Create Weekly Fitness Plans on July  31st, August 7th, August 14th, August 21nd, August 28th, and September 4th.- Same deal as the meal plan. Each week, you should plan your workout schedule. Where will you work out? When will you work out? With whom will you work our? What kind of workouts will you do? Again, check out the sites under the Healthful Links header on your right. We will also discuss this a little bit more over the next week.

7. Find a Food and Calorie Tracking Program - One of the most effective tools in losing weight is accountability, and the best way to hold yourself accountable for the foods you eat is to document everything. There are a ton of food and calorie tracking programs on the market that help you to document what you are eating. My favorite program is MyFitnessPal, which allows me to track my foods on my smart phone and online. LoseIt is also another good one that serves the same purpose. These programs also allow you to track and share your progress with your friends that are using the program. However you choose to do it, you have to do it!

So that's the basic information. Don't be overwhelmed! I will continue to expand on these steps over the next week or so leading up to the challenge so that you are more than ready to start. In the meantime, start thinking about these steps and preparing to execute come August 1st. Let get it!


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